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Jury Holds Trump Accountable for Sexual Abuse, Awards Accuser $5 Million

A jury in New York has found Donald Trump liable for sexually abusing advice columnist E. Jean Carroll in 1996. The jury awarded Carroll $5 million in damages. Although they did not find evidence of rape, they held Trump responsible for a lesser degree of sexual assault. The verdict is a blow to Trump as he aims to run for the presidency again.

Carroll, who had accused Trump of raping her, expressed satisfaction with the judgment. Trump, who did not attend the trial, responded on social media, calling the verdict a disgrace and vowing to appeal.

The trial highlighted Trump’s treatment of women, with Carroll presenting emotional testimony and witnesses testifying about their own encounters with him. The jury also watched the infamous “Access Hollywood” tape where Trump boasted about kissing and groping women without consent.

This verdict adds to Trump’s legal challenges, including an ongoing criminal case in New York and investigations into other alleged wrongdoings. It remains to be seen how the verdict will impact his political aspirations, given his strong support among his followers.

Carroll, a prominent advice columnist, sees the verdict as a victory for all women who have faced disbelief when reporting sexual assault. Her lawyer hopes it demonstrates that no one, including a former president, is above the law.

Trump’s lawyer expressed relief that the jury did not brand Trump as a rapist, but he found the split verdict perplexing. Trump’s rivals in the presidential race had mixed reactions, with few openly criticizing him due to his strong base of supporters.

The trial uncovered details about Carroll’s encounter with Trump at a department store in 1996. She accused Trump of forcefully raping her, but Trump denied any encounter with her and dismissed her claims as false.

Despite the legal time limit preventing charges against Trump, Carroll filed a defamation lawsuit against him, alleging his denials had harmed her reputation and career. New York state’s recent extension of the time limit for sexual assault lawsuits allowed her case to proceed.

Overall, the verdict holds significance for both Carroll and Trump, as it provides a measure of vindication for Carroll and further complicates Trump’s legal situation.

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